What is 'The BaBLA Index'?

BaBLA is an an acronym for the group of castes BaBLA= Ba (Baaman), B (Baniya), L (Lala= Kayastha, Khatri), and A (Ashraaf= Non-Pasmanda Muslims). The BaBLA Index (TBI) is a Representational Inequity Index and a data tool to help researchers, activists, and other folks interested in social justice and equity to identify priority areas for advancing caste equity, track progress over time, and set specific goals for reducing caste inequities. It provides a snapshot of overall caste equity (or inequity) for various positions (political, social, academic etc.), institutions (legislative, executive, judicial, media, religious, cultural etc.), businesses (public, private, PPP etc.) and other categories. The specific score is referred to as TBI Quotient (The BaBLA Index Quotient)."

TBI Methodology And Calculation

#TBIQuotient is defined as the ratio of BaBLA representation (number, frequency or duration) among the total representation (R) relative to the BaBLA population in the Indian population (B). Where 'B' is a constant as a ratio of the estimated BaBLA population (15%) to the total population (100%), hence the value of the constant 'B'= 15/100= 0.15. So TBIQ= R/0.15 A TBIQ of '1' (R= 0.15 = B) implies that the BaBLAs have been in that position for 15% of the time or occupy the 15% of the seats which is  commensurate with their share in the total population. Whereas a TBIQ of 0 (R=0.0, B= 0.15) means that the BaBLAs have never occupied that position or no BaBLA has had any spot in that situation/formation/institution. In the same vein, a TBIQ of 6.67 (R=1, B= 0.15) implies that the BaBLAs have been in that position 100% of the time or occupy the 100% of the seats which is 6.67 times their share in the total population. Therefore the TBIQ can range from 0 to 6.67, with 1 (R=B=0.15) being the ideal scenario of the BaBLA representation being exactly commensurate with their estimated share in the total population.

Taking the post of the Prime Minister of India as an example, out of the 912 months  (August 1947-August 2023), BaBLAs have held the PM’s office for 871 months. That is 95.5% of the time {(871/912)*100= 95.5} therefore R=0.955. Whereas the ratio of the estimated BaBLA population (15%) to the total population (100%) is the constant 0.15 (B). The resultant TBI Quotient is R/B= 0.955/0.15 = 6.37. That mean BaBLAs have held the PM’s office for 95.5% of the time which is 6.37 times (95.5/15) more than their share in the population. Which is very close to the maximum possible TBIQ of 6.67. 

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